Still Have Your Beanie Babies? These 13 Can Make You Rich

Still Have Your Beanie Babies? These 13 Can Make You Rich

If you, like me, collected worthless Tamagotchis and Spice Girls lollipops as a kid, too bad. If you, unlike me, collected Beanie Babies and kept them in pristine condition (little heart-shaped tags still attached; inside tiny clear plastic boxes where dirt and annoying little brothers couldn’t reach them), then you could be sitting on basically a winning lottery ticket. Congrats! Here are some of the priciest collectible Beanie Babies on the market (read: eBay) right now to help you get started on your new lucrative Beanie Baby reselling empire.

“Large” Wallace and his Squad

  • $680000.00

This rare large-sized “Wallace” and his friends, two regular-sized(?) Wallaces and Cashew and Huggy will set an extremely enthusiastic collector back nearly $1M. Think of how many new friends you could buy.

Princess Bear

  • $60.00

The 1997 Princess Bear was dedicated to Princess Diana. And according this lucky, about-to-be-rich eBay seller she’s “undoubtedly the RAREST of all Beanies and Princess Bears!” Cool!

“Large” Ariel and 9″ friends, Issy, Ariel, and Peanut

  • $660000.00

Ariel was reportedly introduced in 2000 as a tribute to a 7-year-old child who passed away following complications from AIDS. This large and regular-sized Ariel pair, along with Issy and Peanut, is up for eBay grabs for over half a million dollars.

15-inch Peace bear and 9-inch Peace, Ringo and Bones

  • $358000.00


This extra-large psychedelic Peace beanie baby will deliver extra-good good vibes if you manage to sell him and his friends for the going rate of over $300,000.


  • $5999.99

Is there a cuter name than Bubbles? There is not. Is there anything cuter than earning over $100,000—which is how much this guy is going for on eBay—for a retired stuffed fish? There is not.


  • $4.95

This Hippity is going for roughly a year of college tuition. Here is a video of how to appraise YOUR Hippity, which I ‘m sure is totally, (probably?) helpful if you watch it.

Patti the Platypus

  • $14995.00

Apparently, magenta-colored Pattis are the most sought-after Patti because magenta is the first color she/he/it ever appeared in. The other colors are fuchsia, maroon, and raspberry, which look exactly like magenta.

Blackie the Bear

  • $49.00

This is one of those Beanie Babies whose value depends on what”generation” it’s from. So good luck with that.


  • $42299.00

The most expensive Valentino bears are the rare ones with the misspelled tags. Thanks for nothing, spell-check!

Claude the Crab

  • $18000.00

The only Beanie Baby reportedly with a poem dedicated to his name: “Claude the crab paints by the sea; A famous artist he hopes to be; But the tide came in and his paints fell; Now his art is on his shell!” Priceless, no?


  • $1995.00

Looks more like edamame, but OK.


  • $16000.00

Have you ever met a more potentially valuable Jake?


  • $3000.00

This live reenactment of me listing old Beanie Babies on eBay is making money moves on eBay rn.

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